
Oscar Fish Care Guide

"If You Think You Know What Proper Oscar Fish Care Really Is, Then What's Revealed About These Tropical Fish In This Oscar Fish Care Guide Will Shock The Hell Out Of You!"

Owning Oscar Fish And Keeping Them Happy & Healthy Is An Easy Job, But Only Once You Know All The Best Secrets - All Provided In This Oscar Fish Care Guide!

                               Oscar Fish Care Guide                                            

This page is all about an oscar fish care guide called 'oscar fish secrets', which is an ebook by a guy called Shane Loggie. This guide teaches you everything about how to keep them, how to look after them, and how to make sure they stay happy & healthy fish. Owning oscar fish is quite an easy job and will give you no problems - if you know all the best ways to maintain their well being.

Shane created this oscar fish care guide from his own personal experience in keeping oscars, and gives a very thorough examination on what works with them, what doesn't work, and what you should and shouldn't be doing to make sure they stay active and happy

Shane tells the story of the first time he bought oscar fish;

' Like many who decide to get oscars, i thought they seemed really cool fish. I'd kept an aquarium before, i still had the tank, so i figured setting up a couple of oscars should be a breeze.

Turns out i did just about everything wrong! 

As soon as i bought Molly & Max home from the pet store, their fighting began. I had to buy a separate tank so they didn't kill each other.

Then Max hated his new home. He actually spat some of the tank decorations out of tank and onto the floor!

I couldn't believe how much trouble my pets gave me on the first day. And the trouble had only just begun! '

They Say Experience Is The Best Teacher, But The Right Advice Would Have Saved So Many Problems

He continues...

' The pet store clerk didn't have a clue about oscar fish. He didn't know what food the oscars needed. He didn't know what supplies i should buy.

I didn't know any of that either.

He didn't tell me oscars had to be either housed alone, or in a large group. Turns out, if you put two or three alone in a tank they will fight. I learned that the hard way.

I had no idea how unprepared i was for my new pets.

So after that rough first day as an oscar owner, i did some research.

I spent hours and hours researching everything i could find about oscars. And i blindly followed everything i read.

Sure, some of the advice was great. But i soon realized a lot of it was totally wrong.

In a few weeks i had two sick Oscars and the nauseating feeling i was in way over my head. '

Until You See The Results, How Can You Tell The Advice You Get Is True?

' Advice about Oscars is everywhere.

But the fact is, much of that advice is just plain wrong.

Sometimes the people who give you advice are more interested in peddling a product than in the health and happiness of your Oscars.

Others will give you advice with good intentions, but their experience may be from raising other breeds of fish.

Oscars come with their own unique set of challenges -- believe me. '

When your Oscars arrive at your home, you'll need to know;
  • What type of food you should buy to prevent future problems
  • What other fish you can have in your tank, that your Oscars won't eat
  • What type of tank helps to prevent your Oscar from getting sick
  • How to know if you've got a breeding pair
  • How often to feed your Oscars
  • What symptoms to look out for, so you know if your Oscars sick
  • How to get your Oscars to breed, and how to get them to fry

' And you will sure as hell want to know what to do when your oscar lies on it's side - and loses all it's color.

It turns out oscars like to play dead. I learned that the hard way too! '

Shane then did a lot of extensive research, tested the results and wrote down what was true, and what wasn't. Everything he learned and discovered was put into writing so there was no chance of repeating those mistakes, and he had the idea to put it all into a 'true to life guide' and show everybody what the real 'oscar fish care- do's & don'ts'- really are. He wants everyone to learn from his personal mistakes, and that's why he wrote the guide.

(18 month old Tiger & Red Oscar feeding)

In this Oscar Fish Care Guide, he teaches us how to successfully raise oscar fish to be happy & healthy, and gives lots of valid advice & tips to help us along the way.

Other topics covered in this manual include;
  • How to know if you have a male or female Oscar
  • How long you can expect your Oscars to live
  • How big your Oscars will grow
  • Why your tank matters and how to calculate the right size
  • What pH will make your Oscars thrive

All the research done by Shane will save you so much time, and save you a lot of unnecessary headaches. The life of your oscar can be a very healthy one, and you can give it the best chance of a long lifespan with the material outlined in this guide.

So how much is this guide?

The oscar fish secrets ebook by Shane Loggie costs $27.40. He also offers a money back guarantee, and you get a bonus report along with the guide too.

The bonus report give's answers and solutions too questions that many oscar fish owners ask, including topics already mentioned above. They include the following;

  • How do i identify male & female oscars?
  • How long do they live for?
  • How do i train my oscar to eat from my hand?
  • What are the best tank mates for my Oscar?
  • Why is my oscar lying on it's side and has lost it's color?
  • How big do they grow
  • What should i feed my oscar and how often?
  • Why do my oscars need such a big tank?
  • What play toys or objects keep my Oscars entertained?
  • What pH do oscars like?

The bonus report is a good little add on & contains some good value, not bad for a freebie at all to be honest. Your main interest though will obviously be in the guide itself, & rightly so. It's a very comprehensive guide, & with the info Shane reveals about oscars, it's little wonder why so many people have problems with keeping them.  

The oscar fish secrets guide is a very well constructed ebook, and comprehensively covers every aspect of keeping your fish happy, active & healthy. As well as giving you true to life advice on your oscars health & well being, Shane provides a complete overview on the whole oscar fish topic, from the 'what to do's' when something's wrong, to the 'how to do's' when your stuck, and even the 'where to get it's' are covered. The guide details all of the crucial things you -MUST DO- for your oscars, to give them the best chance of a long & happy life. This guy has made all the mistakes before, and in this guide he shares what he's learned from a personal experience, and reveals the 'correct manners' to apply when keeping oscar fish as pets.

This is a 'truly inspirational guide' to Oscar Fish Care

Shane's website can be reached below.

Oscar Fish Secrets